Services > Older Road Users

The Wairarapa has one of the highest elderly populations per capita in New Zealand. Older adults are the fastest growing segment of population in New Zealand and are continuing to drive to a greater age. There is an increase in the number of (wheeled mobility devices) mobility scooter users across the cluster.

Wairarapa Road Safety Council, in conjunction with Aged Concern provide training and workshop opportunities to ensure our older adults remain safe on the road.

You can view contacts and details for the following course direct on their website.

Staying Safe 

This classroom-based workshop is designed to help improve the road safety of people over 70 years of age. 

During the workshop you’ll re-familiarise yourself with traffic rules and safer driving practices as well as increase knowledge about other transport options available to help keep you mobile for as long as possible.

To find out more click Staying Safe


In collaboration with AA, CarFit is a free programme that shows older drivers how to set-up their car so they are in the best position physically, have the greatest range of vision and can access all the controls.

A CarFit check takes about 20 minutes with trained community volunteers and/or health professionals working with each participant to ensure they "fit" their vehicle properly for maximum comfort and safety.

To find out when our next clinic is call Bruce on 06 377 1379 or to find out more about CarFit for someone in your family visit CarFit


"My car has a lot of buttons and features that I didn't know how to use so I just didn't use them. I know what they do now and it has made my driving so much easier. I would reccommend to all my friends". ~ Alice

"It was great, I only needed a couple of adjustments, the staff checking the vehicle were very friendly & I didn't need to get out of the car" ~ Fran

Safer mobility

Keeping yourself safe when using a mobility scooter is important. Mobility scooters can greatly enhance the quality of people's lives by giving them back some independence.

In the last five years, 12 people have died nationwide and more than 100 have been injured (19 seriously) in crashes involving mobility scooters.

To find out more about mobility services and guides for safety mobility visit Mobility Scooters

You can also go and visit Spike at Mobility Wairarapa

Older Road Users & Driver Licencing

If you are 75 years or older & still wanting to drive, there are a few things you need to do including getting a medical check from your general practitioner. These need to be done before you turn 75, 80 and every 2nd birthday from then on.

Click here to view the factsheet

For information on any of these services or other roading queries please contact Bruce or Holly on 06 377 1379 or visit us at Wairarapa Road Safety Council, REAP House, 340 Queen Street, Masterton


Mobility Scooter Workshop

Carfit Clinics

For more information about the next Carfit clinic call us on: 06 377 1379 or email

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Wellington Free Ambulance

The AA

South Wairarapa District Council

New Zealand Fire Service

Masterton District Council

Carterton District Council

Age Concern